If you don’t ask, you will never know.
What is a harmonious relationship? When all aspects of it coexist in peace and one
does not suffer on the expense of the other. Everything works well together. Then
suddenly, something seems off, and it drags down everything itself along with.
What do you do? Do you enable the chain reaction or do you identify the root cause
and try to fix it? Do you sweep it under the rug or do you communicate with your
partner and find out what it is that’s bothering them or what is it they would prefer
to have instead?
If you actually want to find a solution to the problem you’re facing or gain more
clarity surrounding a certain aspect of your life, it is best if you just...talk!
Let me bring you an example.
Say there is a couple that is facing difficulties in their sexual life. It is something
that only the two of them are involved, so what would be the reasonable way to
approach the situation? Of course, they would have to communicate with each
other and ask the questions:
What are their likes or dislikes? What do they lack? What is bothering them?
You might not find the solution immediately, but the more you start discussing your
sexual relationships, the sooner you will have it! Do not hesitate to read about
these topics and explore the sexuality of both men and women to better understand
your own needs and the needs of your partner.
First you discuss, then you explore, and the solution presents itself to you!
There are numerous examples where communication can save the day. There is a
reason why hearing “Communication is Key” has become so trivial to our ears.
Because it really is!
If you don’t ask, you will never know.